How to start okrika business.
Selling okrika clothes is a very lucrative business that requires low capital to start. With as low as 10,000 naira you start the business.

Are you looking for a business to start, try out okrika business.
These simple tutorial will put you through about all you need to know about okrika business
Even if you don’t have much capital to start, you will make a lot of profit if you buy from people who buy and open bales, select the ones you know you can easily sell.
Female wears sell faster because women are fashionista
You can start selling in an open road, or sell to university students. You can advertise to your friends and family.
You can sell on social media , by creating Facebook page and doing sponsored ads
You can get bales of okirika at Tejuosho market Katangua market, Alaba market or Cotonou
- It is important for you to know the content of the bale of okrika you are buying and the type of potential market to sell it
*Bales can contain jeans, leggings, chiffon top, pencil skirt,or children wears.
- Okirika has different grades.
There are Grade A, B, and C or mixed grade.
*Grade A is the best grade to buy as it relatively has no stains and looks new.
Look for trustworthy person to buy from, there are times rags will be packed inside a bale. I will advise you buy from people who open bale, you will be sure of what you are buying and the contents.
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